OpenDP Creator web application

I led user experience research and design through launch for a web application that helps researchers share sensitive data by adding “noise” to selected summary statistics using differential privacy. The OpenDP Creator application is part of the Privacy Tools Initiative funded by the Sloan foundation.

The team conducted several rounds of user research on prototypes of the application, with each round informing the next.

Our paper outlining prototype testing is Don’t Look at the Data! How Differential Privacy Reconfigures the Practices of Data Science, by Jayshree Sarathy with Sophia Song, Audrey Haque, Tania Schlatter and Salil Vadhan, to appear in ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023.

OpenDP web app logo

OpenDP logo art direction: Tania Schlatter
Design: Dwayne Liburd

The design and development team collaborated on the user experience using digital whiteboards during the pandemic.

Findings from testing a prototype with data curators.

Style guide page showing a mockup of UI elements. The UI was developed with Vuetify, a Material Design component framework for Vue.js.


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Dataverse Community Meeting Materials